The Trión field project will bring an increase in natural gas for both Tamaulipas and Mexico, as the extraction to be carried out by the Australian company Woodside Energy will be destined for the offshore pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico, which will be used to supply the hydrocarbon, as reported by the Energy Development Secretariat.

During the presentation of the plans at the Mexican Petroleum Congress, the head of the agency, José Ramón Silva Arizabalo, reported that the platform, which is being built in the Republic of Korea by Hyundai, will liquefy the gas once it is installed in the well off the coast of Matamoros, in order to supply it through this route.

The plan, which has an estimated investment of 11 billion dollars, will also position the state in the future as the third state with the highest crude oil production in the nation.

Strategies for gas storage, electricity transmission lines, and progress at the port of Matamoros were also presented.

"This project, with an investment of more than 11 billion dollars, has already started with wells, while the production platform will allow gas to be liquefied on site and will be connected to the TC Energía pipeline, which has been extended to the Yucatan Peninsula. With the New Fortress Energy project, we are going to have a Tamaulipas that is a tremendous liquefied gas generator and will make us leaders in this area," he said.

He added that this will not only compensate for the energy deficit in the country, but will also support the demand that exists in other parts of the world such as Europe, Asia and South America, as well as taking it to the southeast of the country in the pipeline that supplies the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).

"Let us remember that the state has 63 percent of the national prospective resources, an enormous potential for development in fields in the Burgos Basin, which has twice the extraction potential as Eagle Ford in Texas, however, it is undeveloped. We can advance in extraction methodologies to care for the environment while producing these hydrocarbons," he said.

Finally, he stressed that the state is currently the fifth in the country in terms of crude oil processing, but with the incorporation of Woodside Energy's plan, of around 110,000 barrels per day, it will rise to third position.

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